Archery is like a journey, it begins with a love for shooting a bow and a passion for watching our arrows fly.

— Ron LaClair

TJ Pei / Traditional Horsebow

USA Archery Level 2 Instructor

Away from today’s technology, what embodies the raw essence of a bow? The bow doesn’t have a single inventor, yet it’s found in every culture, every era, and every corner of the world.

Throughout the past 5 years practicing with the traditional bow, I’ve experienced a vast array of bows—varying in shape, draw technique, and material. Each was crafted for a unique purpose. There’s no definitive way to draw a bow, each is its own unique form of art.

To practice traditional bow is to journey through millennia of human history, to harness the essence of one’s body and to connect deeply with the inner self. When you release an arrow, you become part of the bow.

Michael Merlino / Barebow

Competitive Barebow Instructor

I’ve been involved in archery for 18 years, including 3 years of shooting barebow and 14 years of traditional archery. With close to 6 years of local 3D events and 2 years of competitive barebow, I’ve built a solid network locally and nationally to help grow the sport of archery.

Not only will you find me promoting the growth of archery as a sport and hobby, I also participate in events, competitions, and workshops to further my own growth as well. Some notable events include the Eastern Traditional Archery Rendezvous, several USAT qualifiers, USA Archery Outdoor Target Nationals as well as the Lancaster Classic, with many more on the schedule for 2024.


Horsebow Intro Session

• $60 per hour


• Traditional Asian bow 
• Traditional arrows
• Traditional arm guard
• Thumb-release ring


Clinic Sessions

• $480 for 6 sessions (90 minutes per session)

Barebow (Recurve) Intro Session

• $50 per hour

Note: Does not include bow rentals. Personal bows are welcome


Private Coaching

• $70 per hour

Sign up for clinic sessions or private coaching*

*Intro session is a prerequisite for the clinic sessions.